Wool is simply amazing. It is nature’s duvet, providing you with warmth and cosiness year after year. Wool is a natural and sustainable material, it does not harm the planet. As a society, we are trying to move away from disposable items, and buying products such as a wool blanket for your home is a great step in the right direction. Wool is very hard-wearing and our wool blankets will last for many years, so knowing how to look after them is important. Wool is a naturally breathable material, and because of how it is constructed actually has self-cleaning properties! Pretty impressive! So, you may not need to clean your wool blanket as often as you think. Airing it outside, though avoiding direct sunlight, will help to keep it fresh and sweet-smelling between washes. So, read on, and learn to care for your wool blanket.
Caring For Wool
Before you jump straight into washing your wool blanket, some things can help to keep it in good condition. Spot cleaning works wonders on small spills and stains, without needing to fully wash the whole blanket. Piling or bobbling is a well-known issue with wool, but keeping on top of it will prevent it from getting worse. Keep your wool blanket in tip-top condition with our great tips.
Spot Cleaning
For small spills, simply use a little liquid soap detergent with cold water and rub gently. There are excellent liquid soap detergents designed specifically for washing wool in, and these are worth using to keep your wool blankets looking their best. Don’t rub too hard for too long in the same area as you can cause the wool to stretch. Gentle repetition should remove the stain.
Removing Bobbling / Pilling
Those annoying little bobbles are caused by friction, so they tend to happen in high-wear areas. Think of the underarms on your favourite wool jumper – friction. Fortunately, a lint roller and a de-pilling comb will quickly remove the little bobbles or pills, leaving you with a beautifully soft and bobble-free blanket.
Washing Wool
Wool can now be washed at home, as most washing machines have a cold setting. However, if you don’t trust your washing machine, consider hand washing or dry cleaning as an alternative way to clean your wool blanket.
Hand Washing
Make sure you choose a detergent specifically for wool, as it has been specially formulated to make your wool feel as lovely as possible. Simply fill a sink, or bath with lukewarm water and add your detergent. Start by just letting your wool blanket soak for around 10 minutes. Remember wool doesn’t like to be aggressively cleaned, so after letting it soak, simply gently move it around, scrunch it in your hands, but don’t rub the wool together, as this can increase bobbling. Rinse your wool blanket twice with cold water, and reshape the blanket whilst it is still damp.
Machine Washing
Only use your washing machine to wash your blankets if you trust it! Sometimes the cold setting is not actually cold. Choose the coldest setting, remember your wool-friendly detergent, and away you go. Don’t use too much fabric conditioner, if any, as it can make your wool more prone to pilling or bobbling.
Dry Cleaning
If you are unsure about how to wash your wool blankets, consider taking them to a dry cleaner. Certain types of wool such as merino are dry clean only, so make sure you check the washing instruction label. Dry cleaning wool blankets will prevent that slight change in texture that can occur when washing blankets in water, so it is worth considering.
Drying Wool Blankets
After washing your blanket it is important to dry it properly. Remember to reshape it while damp, then remove as much excess water as possible by placing it between towels and rolling it into a tube shape. After this, it is best if you can air-dry your blanket. Drying it outside but away from direct sunlight is the best if the British weather allows it!
Storing Wool Blankets
If you wish to store your wool blanket while not in use, make sure you put it away correctly, so that it is all ready for when the nights turn cold. Make sure your blanket is clean, and if you are worried about moths, then add some natural moth repellent to your storage area. Your blanket is best stored in a cool, dark space, out of direct sunlight.
Make sure you wash and clean your wool blanket properly
A wool blanket will last for many years, so it is worth learning how to wash and clean it properly. Wool is an amazing, natural material, and a wool blanket is a great addition to any home. Remember, always clean wool gently, it doesn’t like harsh cleaning products or harsh cleaning techniques. Gentle cleaning techniques will be sufficient to keep your blanket in tip-top condition. Between washes, airing your blanket outdoors in a gentle breeze will restore it and keep it soft and sweet-smelling. Good quality blankets are an investment, they are sustainable, natural, long-lasting, and they are the perfect antidote to our throwaway society. Make sure you know how to care for your blankets so that you enjoy many years of snuggling softness.